The sustainable woman applying for job
Documentation from Pecha Kucha Night, Park Lane, Gothenburg
Part of the project The Sustainable woman
| YEAR: 2014 | TECHNIQUE: Performance- Lecture |
| TIME: 6min 40sec |
A documentation from a Pecha Kucha – presentation, 20 images, 20 seconds each, at Park Lane in Gothenburg.
“This is a presentation of my CV. After that, you can hire me for shorter or longer assignments. “
“I am 35 years old. I like to drink coffee, sit for a whole Sunday in a cafe, read a book, dress up, philosophize, make art, discuss politics, get to know people …
“It’s important for me to be transparent. So I tell you already now about my civil status, and family situation: I have no kids and no partner, but I have lots of friends.”
“Here you can see previous jobs that I have done for the money: I can both manage projects and babysit. Clean toilets, fry sausage, and create scenography. I can lead workshops, develop concepts and question structures. I have worked with youths, disabled persons, addicts and cultural operators…”
“In all recruitment interviews you got the question what your less good at, I’m not so good at: Washing dishes, sing, small talk about the weather, keep track of celebrities, exercise, watch other working, or just be quiet and sweet.”
“What can I bring to your business: My thoughts, ideas, visions, experiences, myself. I sell myself – not to the patriarchy and not to the highest bidder, but based on parameters; pleasure, money, working-conditions and time.”